Saturday, October 26, 2013

Kadare Agolli disagree on "Turkish brothers"

Albania being owed ​​two shields : the Ottoman state and the communist state . I will continue processing in the form of a cashier 's doctrinal Albanian thinking , the idea that the Albanian nation would have long since extinct Slavic wave , if not to protect the Ottomans .

How false was the first threat , one of Europe 's showed in the most sensational end of the millennium , when Europe would fight to protect Albanians . How this tale was the second time the show is ever more tightly . The so-called Slavic risk for suppression of the Albanian nation, but there was an invention of neoosmanistësh osmanistësh , Albanians and Turks together , which , on the one hand , justify Ottoman rule , on the other stroked the alleged swagger Slavic sllavizmit attractive power ... " . These are excerpts from the book " dispute " the writer Ismail Kadare , published about three years ago , but after three prime statements in Pristina look more current , but also reopen the debate .

The head of the Turkish government , Erdogan , the Albanian government , and that Rama Kosovo , Hashim Thaci , speeches afeksionuese Albanian- Turkish relations during the inauguration of the new terminal at Pristina Airport , on October 22 , writes Panorama .

Among other things , Rama , Thaci said that the Turks and Albanians are people's brothers , and called " brother " Erdogan , while the latter said Kosovo is Kosovo Turkey and Turkey .

Statements that have caused many reactions , whether positive or negative . But Kadare seems that these are not unknown type " flirte " between Albanians and Turks . Contacted by the newspaper " Panorama " , instead of a comment or reply , he suggested exactly the book " dispute " . " I have not read their full statement , but as far as I know I can do an instant reaction or comment . Because the relationship of Albanians and Turks I 've written in the book long " dispute " over what I do not add anything now . What I said in the book , remain current ... "said Kadare , also authorizing us to publish a precisely speaking Albanian, and Turkish relations ...

On the other hand , another Albanian writer , Dritëro Agolli Rama evaluates attitudes towards Turkish counterpart Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey.

Attitudes of a part of the public , which qualifies the statements of Turkish Prime dangerous as revoking the Ottoman Empire , qualifies as Dritëroi of diletanti . " These discussions say Erdogan saying ' brother ' and ' friend ' will become Turkey , I think are of diletanti . These are the greatest ignorance that I 've seen , treating in this way , "says writer known for Panorama .

He estimates Rama calls to Turkish counterpart as an expression of the owner of the house to friend .

" These are expressions of love to one another , when you say ' I 'm your brother ' , is a friendly expression . It is abnormal to think that Kosovo and Albania will become Turkey . Those who analyze the contrary , does not understand what it means emotion that accompanies a situation epithet hospitality . This is how they make visits to a friend and finally say that we became like brothers , "said Agolli .

For Dritëroin these statements do not want to say that the Balkans are restored Ottoman period . " Only a crazy might think that Kosovo could become Turkey , Turkey or Albania done through a new Ottoman invasion . Ataturk was itself has fallen to the Ottomans . That period is closed for good and the story can not go back , "said Agolli .

But for the well-known writer , such statements can create and religious divisions .

" These discussions , because of some religious faiths in Albania , can create a rift between religions kicking religious tolerance that we have built a long time ago . This is a discussion that should not open at all, " said Agolli .

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