Wednesday, October 23, 2013

PF, paper Erdogan: We have common Graft

Party Chairman leXHendar Strong , Visar Arifay , sent a public letter to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan , who is staying in Kosovo today .
In this paper , among other things , Arifi said that it is against Turkish investments in Kosovo , since , according to him , "the word bribe is a common word in Turkish and Albanian vocabulary " .
Among other things , Arif expressed his regret that , as he said , " I can not find time to meet with you and welcome you in our ancient lands Dardan in Kosovo " .
In addition , we bring you the full letter sent leXHendarit Arif Turkish premier Erdogan .
The Honorable Prime Minister Erdogan ,
You wont regret that I can not find time to meet with you and welcome you in our ancient lands Dardan in Kosovo .
As a statesman with whom we share fundamental political attitudes , you best understand the importance of the campaign for a politician in a country that competes with the old political habits stemming from the Middle Ages . You know that in such a political environment leader is the beginning and end of every thought and activity for the party , and without the presence of political party leader can not do any step of that loyalty can not even exist .
We both share many things in common . Your approach to space green areas throughout Turkey , with special emphasis on joy in park , standing in line with the Party 's strong program . We understand how insignificant are green and public spaces in accordance with your plan , we believe that they should find a more profitable .
I felt very bad when these progressive ideas not found understanding to a marginal group of delinquents , harrangopëve and hipsters , who do nothing but individuals are brain - washed and indoctrinated in Western schools , who return to their country mother , brought with them their habits as degenerative expression of love through kissing or harmful consumption of alcoholic substances .
All that was disguised under the cloak of the value of freedom of expression . Freedom of expression is meaningful only when it is controlled and is in line with government policy . This is done in order to protect this freedom , which is threatened from all sides . Therefore , to protect it , we will follow your example greater control her . Where there is no control there can be no freedom , it is only anarchy . Freedom is realized only through the control .
By checking and thus, protect it , freedom of expression is a function of protection , promotion and glorification of authority of the Leader . This is a point that unites us as two leaders . In order for society to function as a closed community organic , it needs strong and authoritative leader , as a marker of its internal organization . I and Strong Party are totally committed to maintain and advance the status , authority and glorification of the leader .
But I'm glad that at least this letter may wish to welcome in Kosovo , and especially to congratulate the Turkish- French consortium has invested and manages the international airport in such a perfect way . I emphasize the company's brave act Limak / Lyon that despite investing tens of millions has decided to reduce the rents of buildings and other facilities at the airport at a much lower level than before the concession .
Limak this action / Lyon risks losing work , only to have the Kosovars rental and cheaper services at the airport. And what more can I do for vllaun brother ?
I sincerely believe that Turkey and Kosovo , as two brotherly countries , with strong government constitute a special value for the European Union , and the postponement of our integration in the union loses its Europe , not us and our people .
At this point , I feel it necessary to point out my own position as a response to allegations against jealous and wicked intention to criticize Turkish investments in Kosovo .
We have significant interest in Turkish companies , because these companies understand and embrace the very best in our business environment , it's probably because the word bribe is a common word in Turkish and Albanian dictionary . Moreover, these companies understand very well the family employment policies . It connects perfectly to the principle of business for most companies in Kosovo which are established on solid foundations and family regardless million turnover , managed mostly by family members . In short , Turkish companies and help pave the way to a Strong Party have easier eradication of corruption through legalization normal daily activity in our country .
Honorable Prime Minister Erdo ? An, accept my greetings strong .
With highest honors ,
Visar Arifay ,
Party Chairman Lexhendar Strong

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