Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Trnava vs Thaci, who is the "brother" Erdogan

Participation of Turkish prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan , the inauguration of the new terminal " Adem Jashari " campaign just in time only strengthens the conviction that there are strong links between it and Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci .

Kosovo analysts have long given great alarm about the impact of the Turkish prime minister after taking a large part of Kosovo wealth of Turkish businesses , some of which belong to the family of Erdogan .

However , another recently discovered event confirms the greater the impact on the decision Erdogan has in Kosovo .

President of the Islamic Community of Kosovo , Naim Trnava went especially to Turkey by Turkish Prime Minister wanted to influence the Kosovar government to work mosques .

Independent deputy of the Parliament of Kosovo , Alma Lama , in his letter to the Turkish Prime Minister is published as a commentary in the newspaper " Zeri " , writes that the Mufti of Kosovo had gone to Turkey specifically requested by the chief of the Turkish government to intervene building a new mosque in Pristina .

" From this meeting also learned that the head of the Islamic Community of Kosovo, Mr . Naim Trnava had come to you and complained about the work of the mosque . How I had not felt surprised and betrayed by the man who is going to appeal to the prime minister of another country , for a job that should be resolved by the Municipality of Pristina " , writes Lama among others .

Naim Trnava has long been accused by many imams in Kosovo and media research as a person who is tolerating radical currents spread throughout Kosovo .

These groups have agendas of political Islam , it comes to the Erdogan government is doing its best to spread across countries with Muslim populations .

Publicist Kosovo , Enver Robelli in the face of published Tuesday in the Daily Time writes that Trnava is preparing to Stalinist methods to remain on top of KIC . Robelli dealt with Tërnava warning that Syria will soon recognize Kosovo's independence , although the state is led by a politician from western countries considered guilty of many crimes against humanity during the two-year armed conflict in Syria .

Trnava - Minister = 1:0

Islamic Community of Kosovo has not denied nor confirmed the departure of Trnava in Turkey Mufti demanding inclusion of Prime Minister Erdogan in Pristina mosque issue .

Contacted by zëri.info Ahmet Sadriu office responsible for information and publications on KIC , said briefly : " I have no information on this issue "

Despite the insistence of " Voice " if I deny the news , Sadri has repeatedly said it is not aware of this.

Naim Trnava has long had good friendship with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan . Two years ago, when Erdogan's mother died , media reported that the only Kosovar received an invitation to attend the funeral of Tenzile Erdogan was the Mufti of Kosovo .

In the photo that was published at the time , very close to Trnava seen Turkish Prime moist .

While at the graveside ceremony were invited many world leader Hashim Thaci was not one of them . This made it round about who is more " kardeshim " Erdogan gain more from Naim Trnava .
Turks recent years have become the owner or manager of some real or larger companies Kosovo .
Turkish company , " Calik Holding " , led by Berat Albayrak , Turkish Prime groom consortium " Limak Holding " was declared the winner of the tender for the purchase of KEK distribution . The price of 26 million euros for the sale of experts economy was rated as free provision of this wealth Kosovo .
Turks also took control of the international airport of Kosovo , Pristina that while Kosovo Turks have also won several other companies that have been privatized them .
Avni Zogiani , editor of the Centre for Investigative Journalism , said he sees a suspicious relationship between the prime minister, Kosovo and Turkey .
" The fact that Erdogan comes during the Kosovo campaign shows that there is a questionable relationship between businesses that have assets Turkish public policy in Kosovo and Kosovo , respectively, may in fact confirmed that Minister promises there will be political support from Erdogan the groom gave his public property or bottle of Kosovo, " said Zogiani .
This is a confirmation by Zogiani of all allegations that Kosovo's wealth is given on behalf of Prime Minister 's political benefit .
" The issue of concern is the fact that it seems virtually all paskemi give real meaning to the group Çalik dhënrrin Erdogan's political interest only to the Prime Minister Hashim Thaci ," concluded Zogiani .
On Wednesday the head of the Turkish government , Recep Erdogan comes to visit Kosovo in the opening of the new terminal of the airport in Pristina . However, considering the impact that it has on Kosovo decision , it is not known if the guest is coming to decisions or internal affairs of Kosovo / Voice

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